Our Services

Home Care

Supported Living

Assistance with the following:

  • Getting up, going to bed, bed making
  • Personal hygiene support
  • Meal preparation
  • Toileting and continence care
  • Assistance with mobility
  • Medication prompting and supervision
  • Washing up and tidying up
  • Pressure area care

Support with the following:

  • Positive behaviour support
  • Basic life skills, including cooking, cleaning and budgeting support
  • Support with education, training, and employment where appropriate
  • One to one support, escorting and prompting
  • Help with socialising & positive relationship building

People can be referred to our service in a number of ways, via:-

  • Social Services/Local authorities
  • HealthCare Professionals, CCG’s
  • Self referral. You or your representative can apply to Gravity Care Services via telephone, email, or by completing the referral form below
What they say

They understand that I have different needs and they are able to make sure that I am alright all the time”

“I can prepare my own meals, look after myself better and know how to use my money for my upkeep”